
Average salary in india and china
Average salary in india and china

average salary in india and china

An associate professor earns a median of 40,592 NOK monthly and the median monthly salary for a professor is 50,858 NOK. The median salary for lecturers is 39,058 NOK per month, and 41,358 NOK per month for senior lecturers. Within the salary scale, academic rank and seniority determines compensation. Norwegian academic salaries are determined according to collective agreements between unions and state authorities. Belgium has a relatively high tax rate of 45-52%


Full professors start at €44,924 and make €68,633 after 15 years. Professors start at €40,109 per year and after 18 years earn €61,224 per year. Associate professors start at €34,255 per year can earn €58,402 per year with 24 years of experience. Entry-level assistant professors make €29,914 per year, while those with 24 years of experience top the pay scale at €47,443 per year. Tenured full Professors ( professeur des universités) can expect to make between €36,560 and €73,343 a year according to their class and seniority.īelgian academic salaries are based on seniority (time from completion of PhD). The salary for a tenured assistant/associate professor ( maître de conférence) can range from €25,225 to €53,828 per year depending on the class and seniority of the academic. The salary levels are broken down by class and seniority. The government sets their salaries, which do not vary from institution and discipline. Since French universities are public and state run, academics who hold permanent positions are civil servants. Full professors ( Hoogleraar) earn from €5,334 to €9,375 per month. Associate professors ( universitair hoofddocent) earn €4,815 to €7,072 per month. Assistant professors ( universitaire docent) earn €3,475 to €5,405 per month.

average salary in india and china

Similar to Denmark, the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) provides the pay scale for faculty salaries. Taxes in Denmark are relatively high at 40-50% depending on income. Associate professors earn 44,4204 DKR per month on average, while professors earn an average of 58,236 DKR per month. Assistant professors earn an average of 38,344 DKR per month. An academic’s salary is determined by a combination of seniority (years since the completion of PhD) and job rank. In Denmark, faculty salaries are determined by contracts negotiated between academic unions and the government. Full professors make 209,247 to 275,359 CHF annually. At ETH Zurich, the range for assistant professors is 148,682 to 214,767 CHF per year and is 178,996 to 245,080 CFH per year for associate professors. Full Professors with chair appointment make 163,564 to 210,793 CHF annually. Full professors make 149,728 to 171,380 CHF per year. At the Université de Lausanne, associate professor salaries range from 125,250 to 158,783 CHF per year. They are by each canton (province) and by law. Swiss academic are the highest in Europe. An associate professor ( lektor) earns a median of 44,500 SEK per month, while a professor makes a median of 60,800 SEK per month. Assistant professors ( biträdande lector) make a median of 40,000 SEK per month. SACO, the Swedish Academics Central Organization ( Sveriges akademikers centralorganisation), lists the median salary in 2016 for a lecturer ( adjunkt) as 36,900 SEK per month. Associate professors ( dozent) make €60,154 to €72,246, and full professors ( Professur) make €68,972 to €82,013. Junior professors ( Juniordozent) make €49,548 to €57,373. German professors are civil servants so national legislation fixes their salaries according to state. Other senior academic staff made £82,506 on average while other academics (lecturers, senior lecturers and researchers) made an average of £43,607. In the United Kingdom, the average salary for professors was £79,030 in 2015-2016 according to Times Higher Education. All salaries are reported in the local currency and are pre tax. Here’s what professors make in Europe and North America. Academic salaries can vary widely depending on rank, country, and institution.

Average salary in india and china